As the world advances rapidly, technology is permeating in all aspects of life. Several companies are emerging that plan to help consumers and businesses get access to the best technology. One such UAE-based companies is RAZRLAB. It’s an IoT software development and solutions provider led by a team with a combined IoT experience of over 50 years in fields covering software, communications, logistics, distribution, facilities management, financial services, and security.
To get to know more about RAZRLAB, we interviewed Jason Gasper, CEO of RAZRLAB.
We asked Jason to tell us a little bit about the idea behind RAZRLAB.
“RAZRLAB was founded by Rami Amin, Zubair Ahmed, and me. Having worked in the IoT space for over 15 years individually, we decided to build our own platform that would be flexible, highly customizable & more importantly, capable of delivering tangible ROIs. Having years of experience in IoT, we knew what NOT to do when building an IoT platform. We knew there was a niche for smaller players who could provide nimble, vertically & horizontally scalable & most importantly, business-case-oriented IoT applications.
To this end, we built our platform from scratch so that we’d be unencumbered and agnostic to any IoT hardware, hosting service, communication technology, etc. Our motivation is to build solutions to monitor & control ‘Things’ that use the power & reduce wastage of power consumption thus reducing unnecessary carbon emissions.”
RAZRLAB is different compared to other companies in their domain. Jason says, “What sets RAZRLAB apart from other IoT companies is that we do not provide off-the-shelf systems that require our customers to change the way they do business to conform to the system requirements. Instead, our experienced software and hardware engineers custom design our solutions to meet the exact needs.”
Jason’s Career Journey till Date
We asked Jason about how he started his career. He said, “I started my career as a warehouse assistant at one of the Middle East’s largest technology retail stores in 2000. By the time I left in 2003, I was managing the retail outlet.”
He further continued, “While filling the shelves in the showroom, I was drawn to technology. I then went to India to try my luck with a business idea when I was 24 and very quickly realized that it was not going to work out. Naivety had more to do with it than anything else. I came back to Dubai, joined a management consulting firm and was lucky to have had the privilege of learning from some of the best management consultants (ex McKinsey and Deloitte partners). After that, a customer of mine from my showroom days gave me a call and wanted me to join them as a Business Development Manager for a new IoT company they were setting up and in 2006, I gladly accepted as it was a nascent technology at that time.”
We were inspired by his journey and wanted our viewers to get some professional advice. With that, Jason said, “My advice for beginners is:
If you are solving problems that matter and honestly believe that to be the case, then do not let anyone discourage you.
- Turn every criticism and advice into valuable nuggets.
- Care deeply about your team.
- Be careful with your money, be double careful with your investor’s money.
- Be honest about what you can and cannot do.
- If you are the only smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.”
Technology-based IoT Solutions & Growth
When we asked Jason Gasper about the goals of RAZRLAB, he replied, “Our goal is to be the ‘Go To’ IoT solutions provider of choice in the region.”

And they are doing their best to achieve their goals. Even during challenges, RAZRLAB keeps moving forward, knowing that its solutions positively impact businesses and people’s lives and reduce CO2.
We know the importance of technology. That’s why we asked Jason if technology is helping RAZRLAB grow.
Jason says, “Throughout history, technology has been a key catalyst for civilisations. Aqueducts changed how cities grew, cement changed how things were built, and the internet brought the whole world closer. So, it is not new knowledge that technology leads to transformational changes in societies and businesses.”
He continues, “At present, ‘Digital Transformation’ is one of the main focuses for businesses as they realise that without embracing technology, they will be facing an existential risk. Lucky for us, IoT is one of the pillars of Digital Transformation and we feel very lucky to be in this space.”
We further questioned how his company adapts to digitalization in this modern era.
“Firstly, we are helping companies digitalise and within our own business, we have many processes automated and we try our best to be digital wherever we can. Of course, there is always room for improvement.”
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Innovation & Team
Being innovative is quite crucial for companies to achieve their goals. We asked Jason Gasper about using innovative ideas to be unique. He said, “Our innovative ideas and approach is one of the traits our partners and customers appreciate about us. For instance, there was a temporary sewage diversion project, and it would have cost thousands of dollars to setup a SCADA system. We came up with a lightweight IoT enabled solution at a fraction of the cost to achieve the same result.”
Teamwork also plays a role in innovation and being customer-centric. According to Jason, “mutual respect for each other’s capabilities and trusting that no one will let anyone down in the company makes the team successful.” He further continues, “When you add good skills to that, you have a formidable team.”
We also asked Jason how important employees’ energy levels are to the success of RAZRLAB. According to him, “Without question, it is very important. We highly discourage work-life imbalance.”
He also said that the team could become motivated to go the extra mile when the team is well informed about the goals, purpose, and impact on the environment, society, and of course, the customer’s bottom line.
“Going the extra mile is our default setting anyways.” says Jason.
When talking about the company, we also asked Jason about their services.
Jason says:
When it comes to price:value ratio, there is no one in the market that comes close to what we offer.
Our current solutions range from:
- Fleet Management
- Equipment Monitoring (pumps, generators, telehandlers, forklifts, etc.)
- Tank and Tanker Level Monitoring
We are also working on industrial IoT solutions and are excited to roll them out in the coming quarters.
Few Last Words from The CEO Of RAZRLAB, Jason Gasper
Lastly, we asked Jason if he would like to say anything else to our viewers.
“To your viewers who are thinking about starting a business: be bold in pursuing your passion.
To your viewers who are businesses: Bet on the underdog. More often than not, you will be pleasantly surprised.
To your viewers who are investors: Take a risk on promising companies. There is more than e-commerce and fintech out there.” says Jason
Connect with Jason Gasper On LinkedIn. Find RAZRLAB on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter