The UAE has joined the IAEA’s Response and support Network (RANET), which provides worldwide support to countries in a nuclear or radiological emergency.
RANET was founded in 2000, and 43 countries have since registered their capabilities in the network, covering medical care, radiation surveys, and other technological aspects.
The UAE’s enrollment in the RANET makes its capabilities available for any IAEA Member State to request assistance in the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency, which may be delivered following UAE clearances.
The addition of the UAE to the RANET showcases the exemplary standard that the country has reached in the field of emergency preparedness and response, and points to the confidence of the IAEA and its Member States in the UAE’s capabilities in this field, following years of close cooperation with the IAEA through the hosting of workshops and the country’s participation in a variety of exercises organized by the Agency,” said Christer Viktorsson, FANR’s Director-General.
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