Zuhair Alattari, a Palestinian residing in the United Arab Emirates, had been unable to walk for almost seven years due to excruciating pain in his legs and back. The former athlete also struggled with sleep problems and ongoing hypertension. Several hospital visits had no effect at all on his condition.
Zuhair eventually learned the cause of his symptoms—a worsening kidney disease and a shrinking right kidney—at Thumbay Hospital in Ajman.
While most people are aware that stents can be used to treat heart conditions, few are aware of a less common, but comparable procedure used to treat kidney problems. Renal angioplasty is the term for the procedure used to treat renal artery stenosis, or narrowing of the kidneys’ blood vessels.
Renal angioplasty became a lifesaver for Zuhair, 57.
“The constant pain in my leg made it difficult for me to walk, which had an impact on both my personal and professional life. Even simple things like walking to the market or mosque became extremely difficult. People were perplexed as to why I could walk for thirty minutes and then require four hours of rest before I could walk once more. Zuhair, the acting vice-principal at Al Aqsa School in Ajman, said, “I used to be a good sportsman and a silver medalist in the UAE running championship, but now I could hardly go for a stroll.”
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