Today we will cover Private Angel Investors vs Business Angels and how you will get your funds easier and faster. Besides that, we will also talk about the difference when it comes to Private Angel Investors vs Business Angels because there is so much misconception about it.
For those that don’t know me, I have been working since 2015 as a private angel investor, and I funded over 400 startups when I lived in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Therefore I can understand both sides of the table, as an Investor and as an Entrepreneur.
99% of inquiries get rejected because of the people that pitch for the project, not because of the project. Those that received the bad news blamed the investor that he didn’t get the idea. It creates frustration on both sides of the table. Believe me, private angel investors want to invest in projects and grow together with you, BUT you didn’t understand what the most important thing for private angel investors is…
…It’s You! It is not the project. Your project may be super unique and the next big thing, but we invest in people. We invest in the entrepreneur that will develop super human power to make it!
At the end of the day, we are talking about money and the proof of concept. Let’s get it clear. Private angel investors are not as rich as banks; therefore, they have to be sure that you will do whatever it takes to succeed. We want killers, no babies. Yes, we bring our expertise to the table and will help with all that we have, but we don’t want to be a babysitter, right? While banks don’t care and bet in most cases against you that you will fail within 6, 12, or 36 months and make millions out of your failure, private angel investors don’t.
Exactly here is where the problem starts. While most fund-seeking entrepreneurs are working on a daily job to secure their life and asking on the side for money, private angel investors will ask you the very first question: Will you continue working on your daily job, OR will you go all in?
If you answer now that you will work on your daily job because you need to pay your bills, this meeting is already over. That sounds unfair to you? Because you cannot risk your job, family, or life to build this company? Here is the secret you should know before judging your future investor.
99,9999999% of every successful entrepreneur, aka private angel investor, has been through super rough times before the money rain started. They risked everything they had, their job, family, and their life as such. They remember all those days when every bank told them, this idea is good, but sorry, we don’t give you money. Furthermore they remember when nobody believed that they would make it except themselves. All those times when there was no food on the table, the bank and dozens of other institutions were calling them to give a “friendly” reminder that the payment was due. This situation of frustration, anger, and desperation went on in most cases for years, AND now you sit in front of them and tell them how you must work in your daily job to secure your life? Guess what they will think about you? Yes, you are a fucking loser, and the chance to give you money is below zero!
Investors are not stupid. They learned from the past that so many projects became super successful while even they did not believe it would work out. They figured out that the entrepreneur and his unbreakable will to succeed made the difference. It was not the project.
That’s why they invest in You and not in your damn project.
Makes sense?

Angel investors usually give support to start-ups at the initial moments (where risks of the start-ups failing are relatively high) and when most investors are not prepared to back them. In a survey of 150 founders conducted by Wilbur Labs, about 70% of entrepreneurs will face potential business failure, and nearly 66% will face this potential failure within 25 months of launching their company. A small but increasing number of angel investors invest online through equity crowdfunding or organize themselves into angel groups or angel networks to share investment capital, as well as to provide advice to their portfolio companies. Over the last 50 years, the number of angel investors has greatly increased.
…about 70% of entrepreneurs will face potential business failure, and nearly 66% will face this potential failure within 25 months of launching their company…
This shows clearly what type of business model this is. Very similar to how banks operate. Is it bad? Hell No, but it is totally different compared to an angel investor.
Here, the focus is on the business itself and not so much on you as an Entrepreneur. Business Angels or Business Angels Agencies are betting on both possibilities. Your failure and your success. Does it make a difference to you? It does. Big Time.
While private angel investors are investing in you and giving their full expertise to help you, business angels are investing in the company and trying to cover the business’s risk. What is better? This will be the same question if you ask me, what is better, a hot dog or a cheeseburger?
In both cases, you will reach your primary goal, to get money for your business, BUT the second step must also be on your mind. You need to pay it back!
Paying back the amounts you are asking for requires expertise and experience.

As promised, here comes the cheat code to get funds from private angel investors or business angels. Right now, you are pitching everyone and everywhere. The results are not satisfying. But what if you could present your Project in the form of a PDF to a platform of investors?
… that would be a Game Changer…
From where do we have over 15,277 private angel investors and business angels on our platform? Do you remember that I have been telling you that I work as a private investor myself?
What you don’t know is, that registering yourself as an investor on certain platforms is not cheap either. For example, in Monte Carlo, Monaco, you need to show sufficient funds ($5 Mio) that you have in your bank account ready to invest. Beyond that, you have to pay a monthly fee of 6,000 Euros to register and get access to projects without ever knowing what type of projects or entrepreneurs will pop up.
Over the years, you get to know each other and share the same pain on investments and the fees we have to pay. Naturally, I contacted everyone in my network and asked to participate for FREE on my site and pay not even a fee to my company or me even if they fund your project. The investors come from all over the world but mainly from Monte Carlo and the United Arab Emirates.
Why did I do that? Well, I am a business guy, remember?
I hope to get myself a project I like and become part of it without paying crazy money for an “if” or “maybe.”
For you, it means that you have, for the very first time, an incredible chance to pitch private angel investors and business angels directly and get hopefully funded. Will you get 100% money? It depends on you and your project but clear as the water on Mount Saint Helen is, your chances of finding an investor are as big as never before.
Until now, the way to get to a private investor was to call business lawyers and ask them for a client looking for investments. Will they help you? Yes, for $6,000 or more, they will start calling some people. Is our service for free? Nope, but we are asking just a fraction of the usual price by pitching thousands of investors at once, not only one or two like business lawyers are offering.
Learn more about our private investor’s program and change your future today.
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