Since retiring at a young age, Ali Saeed Alkaabi has dedicated his life to serving the expat community in the UAE, becoming a beacon of hope for many of them. He left his full-time job in 2013 and started working for UAE government agencies in various capacities.
Alkaabi’s adventure started when he personally witnessed the anxiety and perplexity that many foreigners felt when they ended up in trouble with the law. This led him to the straightforward but important realisation that foreigners frequently have difficulty comprehending local laws and customs and require assistance.
Ali decided to devote his life to assisting these people in overcoming their legal obstacles by providing them with guidance and legal solutions because he was driven to change the world.
After giving his mission some thought, Alkaabi stated that almost everyone had probably broken the law unintentionally or committed a small offence at some point. This can be particularly intimidating in the United Arab Emirates, where 90% of the population is foreign. Many seek guidance from typing centres rather than contacting the authorities. Everyone should get in touch with the appropriate authorities; we are here to help you with your issues.
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